David Prez
"Two for the Road"
David Prez / Vincent Bourgeyx

© J-B Millot

"Clos des Mésanges" composed by David Prez

"Two for the road" composed by Henry Mancini
After many musical collaborations, "Short Trip", "Cosmic Dream" (both albums recorded in quartet with Matt Penman & Obed Calvaire), members for years of the Philippe Soirat 4tet, the two old friends present an original duet in which they explore their compositions as well as some classics like "Two for the Road" by Henry Mancini and also some free improvised music with a good sense of interplay, lyricism, swing, humour & poetry.
David Prez – Tenor & soprano sax / compositions
Vincent Bourgeyx – Piano / compositions
Recorded, mixed and mastered at Studio de Meudon by Julien Basseres
Photography by Loïc Serron
Design and layout by Oliver Degabriele
Film by Gildas Boclé
« Délicat et onirique Jazz de chambre »
Franck Bergerot (Jazz Magazine)
« L’entente est parfaite entre un pianiste dont les doigts agiles se mettent toujours au service des mélodies et un saxophoniste dont les phrases sinueuses se font tendres dans les ballades »
Pierre de Choqueuse (blog de Choc)
« Chacun dialoguant avec l’autre dans une pure et subtile communion pour nôtre plus grand plaisir. Un beau disque de Jazz »
Gilles Coquempot
"Instant présent"
David Prez / Vincent Bourgeyx